
Our Teacher is Miss Nixon

Our Early Years Practitioner is Mrs Porter & Learning Support Assistants are Mrs Malik and Miss Naz


We have new class names for 2024-25 which are AM Murphy and PM Murphy

Through play, our children explore and develop learning experiences, which help them make sense of the world around them. They have the opportunity to think creatively alongside others as well as on their own. They communicate with others as they investigate and solve problems. We deliver opportunities for exploration of all 7 areas of learning through purposeful play, with a balance of adult-led, adult-initiated and child-initiated activities. This is supported by offering a range of real life experiences through educational visits and visitors in school.

Nursery Additional Hours Agreement

Farnham Primary School offers 3 hour additional sessions, which can be taken during the morning session 8.40am – 11.40am or the afternoon session 12.10pm – 3.10pm at a cost of £10.50 per session. Nursery children must bring a healthy packed lunch to school if they are attending for the full day. Please contact the office for further information.

Curriculum Newsletters 2024-25

Nursery Autumn 1 Newsletter – My Family, My Home

Nursery Spring 2 Newsletter

Nursery Homework 2024-25

Reading – You will be invited to take a reading book home from the nursery library. Ask your child questions, point out the words and talk about what is happening in the pictures. This should be done for 5 minutes every day.

The Gruffalo - Wikipedia      Jasper's Beanstalk: Nick Butterworth, Mick Inkpen: 9780340945117: Books

Oracy– Each week you will receive a text message containing the weekly ‘BIG Question’. Please discuss the question with your child and share ideas.

Let's talk: How to hold family meetings | The Spokesman-Review


Half-termly Mini Project 2024-25

At the end of each term, your child will be asked to complete a mini project to support them with their learning next half-term. Please click on the link below to see your child’s half-termly project. They can return their project on the first day back at school.


Class Gallery 2024/25




Other useful links to support learning

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