Year 4

Welcome to

Our teachers are Mrs Shamim (4SS) and Mr Clegg (4JC)

Our learning support assistants are Mrs Ali, Mrs Akhtar and Mr Hamid


Curriculum Newsletters

Year 4 Autumn 1 Newsletter

Year 4 Autumn 2 Newsletter

Year 4 Spring 2 Newsletter

Year 4 Summer 1 Newsletter

Year 4 Summer 2 Newsletter


Year 4 Spellings Autumn – Summer


Half-termly mini project

At the end of each term, your child will be asked to complete a mini project to support them with their learning next half-term. Please click on the link below to see your child’s half-termly project.

Autumn 1 – Holiday Project Romans

Autumn 2 – Holiday Project Romans (part 2!)

Spring 2 – Holiday Project

Summer 1 – Holiday Project

Summer 2 – Holiday Project

Class gallery

We welcomed a Roman soldier in to our school to teach us all about the Roman Empire and what the Romans did for us. We had such a fun day!





We have loved learning all about Diwali this November.





As part of our learning in science about teeth, we were visited by a dentist who discussed dental hygiene with us. We have been looking at the digestive system so made a real life model of this using straws, foil, paper and play dough to try and visualise the system better. We played top trumps this week to identify what prey a predator would eat.










In art, we are looking at creating Roman Mosaics so to start our unit we critiqued some Roman mosaics using a paper made rolling dice with critical artist questions to answer once rolled. The children loved this and was an interactive way to critique artwork.










It was lovely to invite parents back into school again to share our learning on Curriculum Day all about Remembrance. We learnt the song Wherever you are by the Military Wives and performed this to our parents. We learnt the poem ‘Home at Last’ by Tony Church. We then made our own personal Acrostic poem which we performed to our parents. We made poppies to stick on our wreath, listened to the reveille sound and made a small fact file on our significant person: Arsala Khan.











Multiplication Tables Check


Times table Rockstars!

In year 4 we are very competitive when it comes to times tables! We love challenging each other in Battles on TT Rockstars. You can also try out some of these websites below or try:

  • Getting an adult to quiz you on the way to/from school.
  • Creating your own times table game!
  • Writing your own times table song!
  • Writing each times table using different colours or fonts.
  • Designing a poster to teach others a certain times table.


Other useful links to support learning

We enjoy keeping up to date with world affairs and events are hot topics for discussion and debates.