

I can count up to 100

I can count back from 100 to 0

I know by heart all number bonds that total 20

I can subtract any number up to 20

I can say the days of the week and the months of the year

Things you can do at home to help
At every opportunity count forwards and backwards with your child to and from 100. Children often get stuck when they move to the next ten: such as 39 to 40 and especially when counting back: 50 to 49. Try to count every day and ensure your child says every number clearly. You could play games of ‘tennis’ where you say a number 1, then your child says 2, then you say 3, ect. You can also play this game when counting back, You could ask your child to count how many claps you do – encourage them to count in their head, then tell you how many you have got to at the end.

You could practise number bonds to 20, by getting 20 objects and splitting them into two groups in different ways. 12 and 8, then 3 and 17. Encourage your child to write the pairs of numbers down as they do them. This can then be used as a quick reference guide and help them to build speed when saying them.

You can do the same with 20 objects, taking some of them away and ask your child how many are left.

Talk about which day of the week and month of the year it is as you walk to school. Show them on a calendar and mark off each day so they begin to spot the pattern each week.

Links to games that will help